Monday, August 22, 2011

The day, oh the day I had.....

Today was just absolutely, unbelievably a beautiful day. It was like the end of September not the middle of August. I don't think it got above 80, and the horrendous humidity that had been plaguing us the last few days was gone.  There was a lovely cool breeze blowing.  I opened windows and doors on opposite ends of the house and had a great cooling wind tunnel effect going.

What did I do with this great day?  Well, Corey was supposed to come up and were supposed to continue to organize and box up my comic books (have I mentioned before this is something I'm trying to get done before the end of the month?).  BUt I woke up with a headache.  So I called and we're gonna try it some evening this week, I think maybe Thursday.  And I spent the morning, after popping some Advil, laying on the couch reading Harry Potter and running the weekly anti-virals on my laptop.  About lunchtime, the headache had abated. 

I did a load of towels, and put them away.  I updated my book where I keep track of my finances...kinda sorta.  I mean, I really don't keep track very well of my finances, but I do keep track of all my debt purchases and checks and paychecks, and that's what I updated.  I also did some more vacuuming.  Not enough, cause I lost interest, but more.

And oh, did I mention I read some more Harry Potter.  Yeah, I started reading the 870 page Order Of The Phoenix Friday night, and after much reading over the weekend, I'm now over halfway through it.  Yay me.  And I've not yet gotten tired of the series like I feared. 

Even though I slept in a bit (and honestly fell asleep and took a short nap when I was reading on my bed for about a half hour this afternoon), I'll probably be going to bed here before too much longer.  Want to read more, and get to sleep at a decent hour so I can get up in time to get to work tomorrow.  Not ready for that again....but then when ever am I? 

And because it's so cool and NOT humid, I'll be able to sleep with the windows open and not the a/c on.  I love cool nights like that with fresh air!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Reading and sleeping. Two of my favorite things. Besides watching tv and eating that is. Enjoy the rest of your book and your breezy weather!