Thursday, August 11, 2011

These are your toys Hold them...

Some people like to make weird posts about their pets, and I thought, hey why can't I as well?  So we all know, Mom's got her little poodle, Angel.  Angel has more toys than any dog, or frankly kid, has a right to have.  And so I here's some photos of Angel's toys.

This is Snot.  The neighbor lady got him for Angel one Christmas.  I'm not sure what he's actually supposed to be, but from the moment I saw him I called him Snot.  And Angel knows him by name and, like most of her toys, get him on command.

This is a stuffed spray bottle.  The same neighbor lady got this for her at the same time as Snot.  I didn't think Angel would like this very much as it's almost too big for her, but she can grip it quite well around the top.  But that leads to the always humorous sight of her carrying it around, dragging the larger part along the floor.

This is her Bone.  I just got it last December for her.  She's already ripped it open by chewing on it.  So we have to keep an eye out for her, sometime, when she has it, she'll end up having stuffing around her mouth and looking like she has a grey goatee or something.

This is the Football.  I got this for her, not only cause it's a football, but blue and grey are the color of the Dallas Cowboys.  it doesnt throw quite as well as a real football, but it does have a squeak maker inside it, which real footballs dont.  So i figure it all evens out in the end.  Plus, Angel herself is about the size of real football, she' never be able to play with one of those.

This the Racoon.  This one has a squeak toy in the snout and tail.  And other than front legs, it does look rather like a real racoon.  And its one of the hardest ones to get back from Angel.  She shakes it side to side, she puts a foot on it and rips into it's stomach area.  It's a wonder she hasn't actually ripped it apart yet.

This is the bowlful of the rest of Angel's toys. Sometimes she gets them out, but usually they stay right here in the bowl now.  You can see her Rope, The Hamburger, The Doggie Bone, The Toy (which is just a crazy mishmash of loops, and different fabrics and texture sown together.  I have no idea where she got that).  Ther's also the hem off a leg of a pair of jeans.  Right after we got her, as we'd sit on the sofa or a chair, she be at our feet, chewing on and pulling the hems of the jeans.  So Mom cut a few off and let her play with those.  But those, she hasn't really touched in years.

And this is, as you can see, Angel not wanting to give up the racoon.  Yet again.  It's amazing how much power is in that little dog body when she pulls on that thing!



Michelle M. said...

Very cute. Especially those ears!

stratcat45 said...

I was beginning to wonder when you were going to give those toys back to that poor dog. I loved her ears in the photos!