Friday, August 19, 2011

Reminds me of the days, those crazy days, you gave me.....

Ever have one of those days where everything, no matter how small, insignificant or miniscule, just pisses you off to no end?  A day where things that you wouldn't even notice on regular days, on that day, not only do you notice them, but you react to them all like fingernails down a chalkboard?  A day when you have no patience for any of the idiocies of any other person, animal, computer, or even yourself?

Yeah, well that's my day so far today.  And it's only 10:30 in the morning!

I suppose staying up until 12:15am finishing up the 4th Harry Potter book could be the culprit.  Especially when I didn't sleep well the night before.  And having nachos and hot salsa after 11:30 at night probably didn't help things either.

I just hope I can make it through the day without going off on someone, or throwing something, or ripping someone's throat out with my teeth.  I just want to get home, pull the blinds, keep the lights out and live like a hermit in a cave for the evening.  Oh, and go to bed about 730 so I get plenty of sleep.




Tam said...

For me that's called PMS. :-) And yes, staying up way past my bedtime to read a book is often an factor in my mood. But it's so great when you find a book that just forced you to keep going and going. :-)

Michelle M. said...

AH! Tam beat me to it! I was going to say, "Welcome to PMS." Anyway, get some sleep and I'm sure you'll be back to your wonderful purple self tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

You could have my day. Client wants to update the software agents and decided to call me at 4:15PM on a FRIDAY to do it. I told him sorry, we could get the critical servers done before 5PM but the rest of it would have to wait until Monday.


john said...

Yes, too often for my taste. I refer to them as a day when everything I touch turns to shit.