Thursday, August 04, 2011

Oh shed no tears TV...

There have been some very popular TV shows over the years that I just haven't gotten into.  I dont watch a lot of network now, mainly cable channels (Discovery, Nat Geo, History, History International, Military, BBCAmerica), but I used to watch as much network TV as anyone.  Until network TV become nothing but repetative, dumbed down, mind-numbing tripe.  Now the shows on this list dont necessarily meet that description above....although some do.

This one always had an interesting idea behind it I thought, but I never really got around to watching it.  And then, as it progressed to became the wet dream of every terrorist-torturing, ass-kicking, big-explosion, lotsa-gunfire, throw-in-your-own-Hollywood-action-film-cliche-here, Bush-loving, redneck 'Murican out there, I was glad that I never got into it.  I would have felt ashamed to watch such propagande passing as entertainment.  Course, they did have a black president on here before we did in real life.

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Unlike most of the other shows on here, I think at some point in time I WILL actually watch this series.  I've just heard too much good stuff about it from too many people who share my tastes.  But when it aired, I just never got around to watching it.  Not a single epsiode as a matter of fact.  Yeah, I really oughtta to something about that.

Oh God, how I hated this show.  I was a twenty (and thirty) something myself when this was on, and what I did NOT need in my life was watching 6 people that were more attractive than I, who lived in the exciting city of New York and not the boring town of Waynesboro have more exciting and interesting and fun adventures than I did.  And then be all whiny and agnsty about their lives.  I never saw a single epsiode when it originally aired, and only saw a repeat in, I think, 2007, when I was in Toronto and it was raining so i couldn't go out, and my traveling companion watched two episodes of it.  I have no idea which ones they were.  I've successfully blotted this fluff out of my mind.

This one, before it started I wanted to watch it cause it looked so interesting, but I kept forgetting.  And then, when I heard the complaints of how strange and weird it got as it went on, well, I'm not now very sorry that I didn't get into.  And its another one that I've never seen a single episode of.

Unlike perhaps every other person in American, I never thought this show looked funny or entertaining.  When it was airing, I only caught one episode: the one where they got lost in the parking garage.  And while that one did make me chuckle, it did not get me interested in the show in general.  In reruns, the only other one I've seen is the Master Of Your Own Domain epsiode, and yeah, that one also make me chuckle.  But, not enough to go back and watch any other episodes.

So, having not seen these, I'll just stick with my documentaries, and my Doctor Who, and my nature shows, and my Hoarders, and leave the network TV shows to those who wish to watch them. I shall pass, thank you very much.


These statements and opinions are solely the responsibility of the author of this post and not necessarily representative of either critical or popular response to these shows.  So if one of these shows, is, in your opinion, "The Best Show On TV, EVAH!", that's fine.  But really, we all know how rare it is that I'm wrong and that you're right.  Carry on.


Tam said...

24: Never seen it although KS is Canadian so I probably should have but ...
Buffy: I've seen the movie, twice.
Friends: I watched it off and on, never really loved it.
Lost: Never seen it but the Evangeline chick was Canadian so I probably shouhd ave but ... (I sense a theme, my patriotism is lagging)
Seinfeld: This I did love and we watched it faithfully until we moved to Europe where we didn't get it.

I don't watch much network TV either. Usually Space, Food Network, Mystery, Discovery or TLC, because really, can there be too many shows about hand fishing hillbillies, 2 year olds dressed up by 30 year old tarts, gypsies or people living amongst their own feces? I thought not.

Anonymous said...

The only ones I watched religiously were Friends and Seinfeld.

Now TV shows of the last 10 to 15 years, meh.

Oh I love Fringe, Eureka, etc. The weirder the better.

Michelle M. said...

I didn't like Friends when it first aired, but then saw a few episodes years later. Then I was hooked.

I enjoyed Lost - but feel it never went anywhere or explained a lot of it's mysteries.

I love Buffy. I think it gets good after the first season. I would recommend it. And Veronica Mars, too (I watched that one because of Craig).

I've never watched 24 and don't really care about Seinfeld. I've seen some episodes and there are some funny moments.

And I'm usually ALWAYS right. Just ask Harry : ).