Thursday, August 11, 2011

If you go chasing rabbits, you know you're going to fall...

I tried.  Really I did.  Please believe me when I tell you that.

The last time at Borders, I found a copy of Alice's Adventures In WOnderland & Through The Looking Glass.  All in one book, only 200 pages, and for only 3.95, before all the discounts.  I've tried to read some classics in the last few years: Liked The Great Gatsby, Loved Animal Farm, tolerated War Of The Worlds, couldn't get through, but at least tried 1984.  And so I thought, let's go with Alice!  I mean, I've seen the Disney movie (really, though, who hasn't?) and I've read several Batman comics with the Mad Hatter and his crimes.  And I even sat through that atrocious Johnny Depp Wonderland thing a few years ago.  So let's give the original a whirl, thought I.

Mistake. It was boring.  Bored me to distraction.  Nothing happened!  Well, yeah a lot of stuff happened, but it made no sense at all.  Alice is just wandering around, or being led around by all these other characters, not even knowing for sure who she is, drinking out of whatever bottles she sees, eating any old cake she finds laying about, and eating mushrooms!    I only got through the Wonderland part, I just couldn't finished the last half of the book (the Looking Glass). 

Oh I read in the commentary about how it made all kinds of subtle, yet slashing, comments on English culture.  Well, something doesn't translate well, whether it's the cross-culture, or the fact it was writtne 150 years ago, I didnt detect any cultural/politcal undercurrents, except that the royalty seemed dull-headed...which really, if no one knew even back then, well then there's no helping them.

And truthfully, the whole time while reading, I was thinking about the 4th Harry Potter book.  I'm trying not to read them all one after the other, cause I'll likely grow tired of the series and stop reading it, I've done that before.  So I'm trying to read a book in between each Harry Potter book.  But I just could not do Alice any longer.  So, I'll not finish that book, but I've already started the Goblet Of Fire.  It's like three times as long as Alice, but I'm sure I'll have it done in no time.  The Potter books have this way of reeling me in.

SO anyway, I gave the old college try, but Alice's Adventures Through The Looking Glass shall have to wait for another time in the future, if I ever feel like taking them up again.



vuboq said...

HP Books 3 & 4 are my favorite of the series. Enjoy the 4th one :-)

Michelle M. said...

I believe you. I could never understand the appeal of the Alice books.

Anonymous said...

Pretty good list of books, with the exception of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

I read 1984, actually enjoyed it. Who knew my Catholic high school was so subversive, we read Animal Farm, Black Like Me, Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye, and all sorts of other works when I was a teen.

Tam said...

I don't think I've ever read those, beyond the Disney version. I did however get the original Wizard of Oz to read out loud to the kid. We've all seen the movie right? Happy Happy, flying monkeys. Holy fuck. Piles of murdered wolves, blood, gore, terror. Yeah, the movie cleaned that one up. LOL I enjoyed it though as a little darkness is good for the soul, or a lot in John's case. :-D