Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I feel the earth move, under my feet....

So may have heard, yesterday there was an easthquake in my area.  Whoop-de-do. 

I was at work, standing in an office, facing a corner looking as some paperwork that was in the folders there.  I heard a rumbling noise, like someone had a radio on real loud and the bass turned up to 11.  I thought they were doing some demolition work somewhere nearby, that's what it sounds like.

I put the paperwork back in the folder and turned around.  Two co-workers who were sitting at desks were looking at each other, eyes as wide as dinner plates.  There were a few heartbeats of silence, and then one says, "What the FUCK was that?"  And the other says, "You felt that too?" 

I'm just standing there looking at them and the first says, "Did you feel that?"  And I'm like, "What?"  I felt nothing.  Heard the rumbling, yeah, but felt anything, nope.  They both said their desks were moving, things were moving on the desks and even the floor moved a little. Before long, other places in the building started calling them and a coworker from my department came up and asked if they felt it too. 

It seems everyone in the building, no everyone in the area, felt the strongest earthquake on the East Coast since 1944...except me.

I feel cheated.



Tam said...

Damn. It sucks when you miss all the fun.

"facing a corner looking as some paperwork that was in the folders there"

Uh huh. I think you were a bad bad boy. :-P

stratcat45 said...

You missed it??? My whole office shook!!

Polt said...

Well Kim and Sammy felt the full effects, but me, nah. Nothing. Dammit.


Michelle M. said...

Aw, that's too bad. Harry and I missed the last big one out here because we were in the car - so I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I could see and feel it. One of the three monitors on my desk started gently swaying.

Then I felt my chair rumbling my ass. I knew what it was. I immediately got up and did the prairie dog thing, and was greeted by "Did you feel that?"

Yes I did feel that!