Saturday, January 21, 2012

The iron fist will make the tyrants fall...

One day this week, my phone rang at work.

ME: Hello?
MOM: Polt, it's me.  Do you want your ironing board?
ME: Um..........I HAVE an ironing board?
MOM: Yeah, it's in your basement, I moved it when we were moving everything for the plumbers, and it's not heavy, and grandma's is too heavy for her, so I thought we could exchange them, maybe?
ME: Um, well since I didn't know I even had an ironing board, I'd say she could just take it. 
MOM: But then you wouldn't have an ironing board, if you don't get hers.
ME: I didn't even know I had the one I have now, surely I'm not going to miss it.
MOM: Well, we'll just exchange them later in the week.  That way everyone's happy.
ME: Yeah, I'd be so distressed if I didn't have an ironing board.

Seriously, why would need an ironing board, of any weight, if I hadn't used the one I have no in...well forever maybe?



TwoPi said...

Do you have an iron?

Polt said...

Coincidentally, the day after this phone call, I was in the closet looking for...something, and noticed the iron sitting up on one of the shelves. So yeah, I do have one. BUt obviously, I don't need that one either.


Michelle M. said...

Cute story : ).
I don't think Harry has used the ironing board in years.