Wednesday, January 11, 2012

People try to judge me when they're not in my shoes (Part 1)...

So I've decided I'm going to try to review the books and movies I see throughout the year.  This is the first of those (we'll see how many I ultimately do).

Hunter's Moon
This is the most recent Doctor Who book I've read.  I was not impressed. I mean it wasn't a bad book, it just didn't grab me.  Rory does stupid, uncharateristic things, the Doctor does things that should be impossible even for him, and Amy is almost an after-thought.  The group of villains are interchangeable, I honestly couldn't remember who was who.  And the supposed twists and turns are all stuff I've seen before, not terribly surprising, not even interesting.  It took nearly three weeks to read it, and it's NOT a long book.  That about says it all to me.

Walking Dead, Season 1
Enjoyable, although I dont think I'm into it as much as some other people are.  After the first two episodes or so, the zombies really become secondary an afterthought.  After that, it's all about relationships: the sisters, the brothers, the son father and mother, and the man/friend she was sleeping with, etc.  I found it both emotionally draining and yet somewhat soap operatic at the same time.  Neither of these things are negative, though.  But while I do enjoy the show, too often I find myself noticing small things that bother me: where are they getting gas for the vehicles?  How exactly does one sneak into a zombie infesting city repeatedly without being noticed?  Could the redneck hillbilly be any more stereotypical, even down to his name, Merle?  And how about the overweight, middle-aged wife beater, isn't he just right out of Hollywood casting, with no redeaming values whatsoever?  Why would a guy in a coma wake up with boxers on and the hospital gown on backwards?  Would a gurney pushed in front of the an unlocked door really keep the zombies from coming in and killing the deputy?  I know these are small things, and they didn't detract from my enjoyment of the series, but if I was really REALLY enjoying it, I wouldn't have noticed these things at all.

I suppose the last thing I can say about it is that I'll catch the second season when I can.  I've got to make sure cute lil Glen stays safe and healthy.



Tam said...

I have to say I'm not really into zombies. I just don't care. *shrug*

Michelle M. said...

I'm enjoying Walking Dead, but you definitely make some great points. It has gotten away from the zombie action, hopefully they'll get back on track.
We wonder the same things. Why don't they stop at a dealership and get a new RV, instead of one that's always breaking down? Why don't they go to a gun store and buy more guns?
The graphic novels (see, I'm learnin') have some major differences in plot and characters. It'll be interesting to see how things develop in the tv series.