Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Last Sunday night, Kris came over and spent the night.  We assume it will be the last time he does so.  Friday, sometime during the day, he's leaving for Virginia.  I'm not happy about it, but I understand why and support him.

Once he got here, we pretty much retired to the bedroom right away.  We did a lot of talking while there was a lot of cuddling.  And there were some tears shed from both of us.  And then more talking and laughing.  And that lead to the first bedtimesexxyfun.  Following this, we talked some more and cuddled some more and then turned out the light to sleep....which lead to the second bedtimesexxyfun. 

Following that, we laid in the bed, in the dark, and held each other until we drifted off to sleep.  I love sleeping next to Kris.  Unlike other people that I've slept with, I feel completely comfortable with him.  I love feeling him next to me, his arm over me, my arm over him, hearing him snore softly.  It just so comforting and relaxing.

The next morning, I had to get up at 8, because the plumbers were supposed to be there at 830.  The didn't show up until like 930ish, which meant that since we had a free hour and a half, we had the third bedtimesexxyfun.  And without going into gory details, we did several things we've never tried before.  And thoroughly enjoyed them all.  We both wondered aloud why we had never tried this stuff before.  Good question, methinks. 

Since, at that time, I still had no use of my shower or toilet, I had to take him home unshowered.  But I dont think either of us cared.  We said goodbye at my house before leaving.  I thought that would be the last time I saw him.  But on the way to his place, he mentioned seeing a moive Thursday after I get off work.  So as it stands now, we'll be seeing a movie and dinner, and possibly afterwards, he'll come back here to spend the night one last time. 


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