Thursday, March 15, 2012

Call in three months time and I'll be fine (Part 1)...

In ripping off an homage to The Friday Five over at Cocky And Rude , I've decided to start a Thursday Three.  Why Thursday Three?  For three reasons (naturally): 1) I have no other reoccuring daily event on Thursdays; 2) I didn't want to infringe totally on the copyright of The Friday Five and 3) frankly, I don't think my life is interesting enough to come up with five things each week, although I should be able to swing three each week.
So without further ado, I give you the first ever Thursday Three.

1. Tax refunds.

I got my taxes done Saturday, and it turns out I'll be getting a larger tax refund than last year.  In addition, since this past year PA required me to pay my local taxes quarterly, it wasn't like past years where I paid the local taxes out of my federal refund.  This year, all the money I get from the federal refund with be mine.  Yay for money!

2. Angry Birds

I've been playing Angry Birds for a few months now,  but I've completed all the screens, including the Angry Birds Seasons, for 2011 and 2012. I was going back and just trying to improve my scores, trying to turn all the 1 stars to 2 or 3 stars.  And then, all of a sudden earlier this week, I get a notice of an update: it's the whole brand new Angry Birds Cheery Blossom addition, with 15 new screens!  YAY!  More new Angry Birds!  Course, now I've already gotten through 10 of them, but hey, they're new, so that's all that matter.

3. "We Are Young" by fun.

This is my brand new favorite song of right now and yeah, the video's pretty nifty as well.  Enjoy.

Yay for good new music and accompanying videos!

So there you have it, three big things for me this past week.  What some of your three things from this week just passed?



Michelle M. said...

Hurray for the Thursday 3! I'm about ready to do a Monday 1 on C&R. Blogging is hard!

My 3 would be:
1. Cooper
2. Losing weight without trying (even though I had to be sick to do it)
3. Throwing my trash across the room and making a basket (it's the little things, sometimes).

I like that song! I first heard it (well, the cover anyway, on Glee).

truthspew said...

Glad you're getting a nice return. Me, I get a notice from the RI Department of Surprise and Taxation that I owed $900 in 2007 and now it's $1,800. WTF!

I'll be so happy if I get the contract out in California. Leave this crooked little state in a heartbeat.