Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Doctor, doctor, tell me the news.....

So yeah, I had a migraine today.  They suck.  At least I didn't puke this time, so no neck and back pain.  And when I woke up around noonish, it had faded to a dull non-migrainey throb.  That was at least tolerable, although I think I have a sinus infection in addition to everything else.  And light still bothered me all day, but whatever, at least it's managable now.

In related health news, I saw my new doctor Monday.  My old doctor left the practice, and I chose to stay there rather than go with him (I was never terribly impressed with him anyway).  This one seemed nice but she's younger than me.  Considerably (Shut up, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, no old man jokes!).  Like a decade or more older.  That's a first for me.

And she's much more...hands on (figuratively) than the old doctor.  She seems much more proactive, and was kinda all over me about my diabetes.  Which, I suppose, she should be.  She told me I HAD to exercise more and eat better, or insulin was on it's way.  UGH.  So when I got home Monday, I went out and took a 20 minute walk.  Woulda been longer, but it started raining.  And after work yesterday, I stopped by the grocery store, and as I was checking out, I wouldn't have recognized the pruchases as mine if I hadn't made them myself.

There was aspargus, lettuce, carrots, celery, bologna and cheese, yogurt, steak, and salad dressing.  I've purchased all those before at one time or another, but rarely all together.  And what else was differnet was what WASN'T in there.  No chips.  No cookies.  Wheat bread, not white.  No steam-it-yourself corn or peas.  No frozen twice baked potatos.  No frozen pizzas.  No Cheetos or Wheat Thins.  No TV dinners. 

See, she basically put me on the South Beach Diet: Lots of protein, no carbs.  That means no, or very limited, pasta, bread, rice, etc, etc, etc.  And the only vegetables that I actually LIKE, potatos, corn and peas, are now verboten.  Green leafy vegetables are what she's pushing.  Even though I don't LIKE green leafy vegetable.  Ugh.

She said I'm to have three meals a day with anywhere form 45-60 grams of carbs total, hopefully more towards to 45 end than the 60 end.  And I can have two 19 grams of carbs snacks in between.  But, she cautioned, a slice of white bread has 12 grams of carbs.  And apple has the same.  A banana apparently have over 19 and is right out!  Good thing I'm not a fan of bananas.

This will take some getting used to.  And I'm going to try.  Course, I TRIED similar things in the past and we know how that worked out.  But I never counted carbs before, I was only paying attention to the sugars.  This is new to me.  And man, when I check the labels, geez, do carbs add up quickly in the stuff I like to eat.

But at least I get to eat as much meat as I both the dining room AND the bedroom.  Ba-dum-DUM!  Thanks, I'll be here all week, try the veal, don't forget to tip your waiters.

And hey, as a plus I MAY end up actually losing some weight for the C&R weight loss challenge I'm in, so it's like a win-win, right?



Tam said...

Uh oh. You're going to be all motivated and fired up for the Biggest Loser. I've never tried low-carb. It is hard, as carbs are EVERYWHERE and in everything that tastes good. Good luck.

Amie said...

You can do it. I lived like that for 9 months while pregnant. You can eat more pasta/potatoes than you think. Just read the boxes. Get whole grain pasta it makes a huge difference. Call if you want any food ideas or tips. Remember, you do need to eat some carbs...the're good for the baby.

Michelle M. said...

Hurray for your new doctor - I'm glad she wants you to be healthy!
Wheat bread is pretty good, I like it better than white, now.

I was on a similar diet a few years back and lost a bunch of weight - I bet you will, too.

Green leafy vegetables are pretty good if you saute them with a little olive oil and garlic.

I'm a carboholic, so I feel your pain. I'm cutting down on mine too, so if you feel like bitching about it, you know where to find me : ).