Monday, March 12, 2012

One time in summer camp, when I was twelve (Part 46)...

12 For The 12th

CHAD started this whole thing, and even though he's not involved in it anymore, I'm still giving him credit.

I snapped this, then turned out the light and was soon asleep.  And other than one trip to the bathroom at roughly 4:30am.....

...THIS is the next thing I saw!  What the hell?  I slept 11 hours!  I haven't done that since...well, it's been years.  Back when I was going out on Saturday nights until three in the morning or so.  I'm blaming it all on the time change, cause I can't think of anything else to blame it on.

After my shower and drying my hair, I noticed I had something of a mohawk.

Last night, I wrapped up a bunch of my spare change (this is it) and took it the Credit Union to deposit in my Savings Account.  Every little bit helps.

While at the Credit Union, I called an order into the Chinese Restaurant and then went to pick it up.  I timed it so it was ready when I got there.

Lunch: General Cho's chicken, pork fried rice, egg roll, and fortune cookie.  And Diet Coke just outside the frame.

I decided it was time to clean the bathroom, so this is the sink and toilet after I sprayed the stuff on them, but before I started the actual cleaning. I'll do the tub another day.

I heard knocking at my back door and when I got there, I saw it was Angel.  Or at least mom said it was Angel who knocked.  And Mama Polt doesn't lie, so it HAD to be the dog.

She and Angel were out for their daily walk and asked me to come along.  Which I did, because it was beautiful today, and I needed the exercise anyway.

After the walk, mom called grandma to see if she wanted a grilled cheese or hamburger (Grandma Polt is home from the hospital.  She's over her pneumonia enough to fight it at home, I guess).  Anyway, she wanted a McDonalds hamburger, so mom and I went out to get her one...and to get supper for both of us as well.  A Big Mac kinda defeats the purpose of a walk, doesn't it?  I only had SMALL fries though, that balanaces it out, right?  Right?

This is I look like when it's Monday night and I haven't shaved since Thursday morning.  Pretty scruffy.  And pretty gray as well.  Ugh.

And THIS is what I look like after I shave that 4 days worth of growth off and trim the goatee.  It ain't much, but that's as good as it gets.


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