Thursday, March 01, 2012

This cold is kicking my ass.  It started Saturday with a tickle in my throat and a stuffiness in my head.  It's included a stuffy head, runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, and body aches...several of them at the same time.

I got home from work on Saturday about 5.  Monday I went out to eat with a friend because I thought I was feeling better, that was roughly from 12-1.  Then Wednesday, I went to work, but left early due to feeling like crap, so then I was out from like 730-230.  Other than that, since Saturday at 5, I have no left my home.  Haven't felt like it. 

I am going a bit stir-crazy, but since I was doing nothing else, I was able to catch up and finish with the Star Trek: Voyager DVDs (reviews coming soon).  And my lack of appetite, should help on the C&R weigh loss challange that started today.   And when I felt like it, I've gotten some more reading done of the current book I'm on.  But basically, i'm bored, but don't feel well enough to actually DO anything.

This morning, when I woke up about ten, I was drenched in sweat and the fever was gone.  With it went the body aches.  Progressively, today, I've gotten to feeling better, with the couch disappearing and the stuffy head slowly ending, so that's all good.  Tomorrow, I'm going to try work again.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle it, but I not I can always leave early.  Don't think that I'll have to, cause right now, I'm mostly just mainly exhausted.  If this is all the worse I feel tomorrow, everything should be okay for work.

But I look at the bright side, at least it wasn't the vomiting/explosive diarrhea stomach flu that's been making the rounds.  THAT would have been SO much worse.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Oh no! I'm sorry you were sick (this comment is late, so I hope you're feeling better by now).