Tuesday, March 20, 2012

People try to judge me when they're not in my shoes (Part 10)...

Finished two books recently.  First there is Star Trek: Doctor's Orders.

This book was written in 1990, in the midst of The Next Generation, and it really shows.  The Klingons don't act or sound like Klingons I remember from the later series.    Orion pirates are a Big Deal.  They call the shields "screens".  Some things just seem off a bit.  The plot basically is McCoy is given the conn by Kirk who then disappears and then Klingons show up and McCoy has to deal with them.  Interesting concept.  It's a bit forced why McCoy has to stay in command, despite SPock being there, and other things are simply too convienent.  Nonetheless, I enjoyed the book.  Once I got past the fact it wasn't the Trek I was used to, I just laid back and went with it.  The humor works quite well and isn't forced.  Over all, I'd give it a B.

The next book is the second in the new Torchwood trilogy: First Born.

Unlike the first book of the trilogy I read recently, this one just clicks.  It follows Gwen, Rhys and their newborn duaghter.  There's a LOT of breast-feeding/diaper changing/no sleeping jokes, but they totally work.  The plot is very Torchwood-esque.  It's an easy read, a quick read, and a very enjoyable one.  I'd give it an A.

And just last night, I watched Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, Part 2.  I saw this last year, and immediately afterwards, read all seven of the books. I think I enjoyed it more this time because I knew the backstory, I knew the secondary characters that weren't mentioned and/or developed in the movies.  Pretty good.  I give it a B.


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