Monday, June 27, 2005

I fought the law, and the law won...

Well the Supreme Court concluded its session today with the results of the last of the cases. Two very important ones dealt with displays of the Ten Commandments. Read here, if interested:

What they said, from I read about it, is that a display in Texas, accopanied by other documents and monuments and such, was okay, because it was a display of AMerican history. But in Kentucky, where they simply mounted the Ten Commandments on the walls of courtrooms, it was unConstitutional. And for me, that's the right answer. Just he Commandments themselves are surely an advancement of religion, I mean, how else can that be taken? Its telling Muslims, athiests, buddhists, maybe even Jews, that they wont be treated equally, beacuse they don't believe as the court does. And if we go to having religious courts, what seperates us from the Middle Eastern countries, where justice is meted out according to the Koran?

Anyway, i was satisfied with the decisions. Oh, Scalia whined about it in a dissent, but thankfully, he was in the minority...again. And that's what concerns me now: Reinquists emminent retirement. I'm certain Bushie will appoint someone that makes Scalia look like a member of the ACLU. Actually, that's not my biggest concern, cause Reinquist is pretty conservative himself. What concerns me more is if O'Conner retires, or if Stevens would retire or die (I mean the guy IS like 87 or so). O'Conner is a frequent swing vote, and Stevens part of the liberal bloc, so if they go, and Bushie appoints another far right, religiously radical conservative, well that will throw everything out of kilter and all the rights we've taken for granted over the last generation are suddenly up for grabs, held hostage by a new conservative majority on the Court. The thought of another Scalia or Thomas on the Court just makes me shudder in horror!

I need a drink now...the thought of that...oh, the humanity!


I do EVERYthing on the basis of sex. - Herb Tarlick, WKRP In Cincinnati

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