Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A life that's so sublime, palace of brine...

Ya know, I was thinking...Polt's pretentious. But that's not what i had intended on calling it. I tried Polt's Place first. I mean, that's sounds better, Polt's Place...a place to hang out read stuff, just random posting, ya know, nothing real formal or demanding. But much to my surprise, someone already had that name! That means there's another Polt out there frightening is that??? But with place taken, i was looking at the screen thinking of what I should name this, and as I looked at Place, well another A just appeared there and seemed to work. Personally, I think it was a sign from God. Others have suggested fate, or too much alcohol, or a hallucination due to over medicating, or just my eyes going out of focus due to staring at the screen for too long. But me, no, I'm going with the sign from God thingee.

But Palace...well it sounds so much more....palacial. Kind of like formality, and proper decorum should always be rigidly observed. Pfffft, yeah right. And it's because of that, that I thought of changing the name...but ah, hell no. Palace is just FABulous! IF this is MY palace, then I'm the king (or queen, as the case may be) of it..and by God, I deserve a palace!

So, Polt's Palace!
My friend Amie, God bless her pea-pickin heart, made me a gift earlier this year. She made it for me to wear to Capitol Pride in DC...but she lost track of when Pride was. So I didn't actually get it until AFTER Pride, but it's so damn spiffy, I took a photo of it, and here it is:

Isn't that just the coolest, gayest necklace you've ever seen! And she made it just for me! She's crafty like that, always making things. She's made me stuff before: soap, a rainbow plate for Christmas one year, cards, just all kinds of stuff. I have niether the imagination nor the skill to do stuff like that, but then I have a blog and she doesn't so NYAH!

Oh cool news today, I went over lunch (causing me to take a 90 minute lunch, instead of the 30 minute allotted..yet ANOTHER use of taxpayer dollars) to Office Max and got myself a scanner. Do I NEED a scanner? Oh hell no. Do I WANT a scanner. Oh yeah. And why you ask? Well, I have tons of pictures from my 11 trips to Toronto and about 8 trips to Capitol Pride over 10 years that I'd to get into my computer. And perhaps some of them up here. So that's why I went and wasted the money on it. Oh well, PB&J's are good for lunch for about a week or so I guess. WEll this is my third post need to overwhelm everyone.


It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's just how good you looked. - David Lee Roth

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