Saturday, June 25, 2005

Shout, shout, let it all out...

Today, at work, I was looking through some other blogs (because I am that busy..taxpayer dollars at work), and I noticed that quite a few of them gave "a shoutout to my peeps." I don't know WHAT a peep is, nor do I believe I have any of them. But it appeared that they were all saying hi to thier friends. Well, I have friends (yes that surprises me too), so i figured I can name them all too. Now, in these "shoutouts" they usually said somethign specific to each individual, but I dont know how many, if any of these, will actually read this. So I'll just list them all:

Duff, Chris, Ag, Amie, Donna, Maury, George, Christian, Nina, Charles, Mark, Garver, AJ, Freddie, Johnnie, Rich & Jaime, Jessica, David & Susan, Jim, Layn, Joe & Kelly, Colleen, Scott, Doug, Lee, Jerris. I have other friends, I just dont know that they'll ever see this. And this listing is in no particular order, it was pretty much just a stream of consciousness thing again.

Okay, this is the result I got on the evil test indicator. And I'm conflicted. I mean, Neutral, how boring, how blase, how whitebread, how....BLAH! But then on the upside, at least I'm not EVIL. I mean evil as in Dr. Mengele, not evil as in Dr. Evil. So that's a good thing, right?


Dolphins know the secret of life, they just aren't telling. - Agnes Louise Uvula

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet that you used my quote