Wednesday, June 29, 2005

You can talk to me....

hey, I've gotten a few comments! WHoo-Hooo! This is how sad my life is, that I'm excited about receiving a few comments. Anyway, this is the first comment I got:

Reformed Jew...probably why we get along so well....

This is from my buddy George! He gets the prize for commenting first.......which is, um...guess I shoulda had a prize before I mentioned, i know, the prize is my eternal gratification, for commenting first. Yeah...anyway, that probably IS why we get along so well, my brother in yamakas...or, um,, yiddish words dont spell, how about brothers in bagels and lox?

so next, we have this: isn't getting a presidential nod. if the people are angry at bush, they're not going to lean farther to the right. the republicans have complete control right now, so they also have complete responsibility. we dems will get seats back in 06 and we'll sweep in 08.

This is from Johnnie. Ah, the "wisdom" of youth. when 08 rolls around, the Republican party will be still firmly in the grasp of the far right religious radicals, and to get the Republican nomincation, the candidate is gonna have ot be anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, anti-seperation of church and state, anti-public education, anti-a whole bunch of things. Things that Santorum is all about...and that he's practically salivating to get the chance to cow-tow to those groups. I really want him to lose in 06, not only so that he's out of the Senate, but that douses his presidential hopes somewhat. He just scares me honestly. what scares me more, though, is the stupidity and gulliblity of the American public. I mean, they voted Bush in TWICE, for Christ's sake and have given us a Republican COngress for, what, ten years now? Well a wise man once said, "People get the government they deserve." And since we're a bunch of uninformed, redneck, selfish, holier-than-thou types right now, we have a government that reflects that.

and finally, from Johnnie again, we have:

Montana still holds the record at a 7 poop walk. that's not a day, that's a walk. also, i can't believe you posted a story about defrosting your a/c. you need to come out to philly and visit if that's the highlight of your day. good lord, i feel like my life must be even more dull since i'm READING about fixing an a/c.

well, Montana is a bigger dog than Angel. he probably poops out more in a day than what Angel weighs. And if the a/c story bores you, well, as Obi-Wan said, "Who'd the bigger fool, the fool or the one who reads about his foolish exploits with a/c units?"...or something to that effect. I guess my life isn't like yours, one wacky, goofy, crazy adventure after another. (course, i don't call people up, drunken, at 1130 at night and try to convince them to go out to this party with me, even though they live 4 hours away, either.)

Oh, and jsut so everyone knows, by commenting on here, you give me the right to reprint what you say and mock you mercilessly about it, verbally pummeling you about the head and shoulders, as it were. But don't let that stop you from commenting. I enjoy you comments.


If AIDS and gay bashing and crackpot Christians and fucking Republicans can't destroy gays, then nothing will! - Debbie, Queer As Folk

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