Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You are my angel, come from way above...

After work, I went to let the dog out, since my parents are still on vacation. (Mt. Rushmore...the side of a mountain with giant heads carved on it. I mean, I've seen pictures, and really, what else is there to see of it? But hey, they want to take a 10 day long bustrip out to see it, that's fine with me. Wouldn't want to do it myself...but then, I doubt they'd want to go on my vacations.) And you know what? She's nothing but a poop machine. Tomorrow is garbage day, so i made sure i scooped up all of her poop from the yard so it would be in the trash to go, and it took me THREE scoop fulls to get it all! Good Lord, the dog only weighs like 13 pounds, and I know she shit out at least double that! Oh hey, here's a photo of her:

Okay, so just ignore the sign...It's a long-ish story. The point is...that's what our little Angel looks like. Dumber than wallpaper paste, but we love her. :)

Anyhow, I don't know how she can poop so much when she doesn't each that much. Thank God she's a small dog, cause if she was like a bull mastiff or something, good God I'd need a shovel...or backhoe or something. Geez.

Moving on from dog shit to a shitty situation. I got home and it was hot in my apartment...even though the a/c was on. This was NOT a good thing. So I went to the a/c and it was only throwing out like warm air...not like it was supposed to! And on a day like today, with the heat and humidity what it is (do I need to mention again that I HATE heat!!!). I was more than slightly in a panic. My first thought was, it's broken! But that wasn't a helpful thought. So then I thought, Oh, maybe the filter is all clogged. This happened on another a/c unit i used to have. SO I tried to see if I could open the front of it and...no that wasn't gonna happen. Had to unscrew a screw to get it off..and that was too much work at that time. so then I had a third idea: maybe it just got like frozen up. This happened on another a/c unit, course that happened when it was cooler outside and i kept it running. Never understood that, actually, but whatever. Yeah, the fix for that was just to turn it off and leave it off and allow it do de-frost...like a fridge. So, since that was the path of least resistance, that's what I did. Turned her off and then went to sit directly in front of a fan.

After about, oh, 45 minutes or so, I went to eat in the dining room (where the a/c is) and i turned it back on, and it's working PERFECTLY! My apartment isn't a sauna anymore, but a little slice of the Arctic. Thank all the ice gods and goddesses from any and every mythology!


I think it takes real courage to stand up there and proclaim your love....off key. Emmett, Queer As Folk

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