Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brilliant white light of pain Surrenders all thought...

Haven't felt right since yesterday.  Like a few weeks ago, yesterday afternoon, my lower back and neck started aching.  My back feels like my knuckles or my ankles do when they need cracked.  You know, a tightness and pressure.  I crack my knuckle or move my ankle a certain way, there is a cracking sound, and it all feels better.  But I can't seem to crack my back in the right way.  And I dont know whats wrong with my neck, might be I'm trying to sit differently because of the back and it's bothering my neck, who knows?

I got up about 8 this morning, putzed around here (having already called in to take the day off...I had trouble sleeping last night with the pains), watched a Netflix movie, and then went up to bed to read for a bit.  Ended up sleeping about 3.5 hours!  from like 1130-300!  Craziness.  And even now, I'm tired and ready for bed.  I dont know, I guess rest is what I need.
But I should be able to get back to work tomorrow, as long as the pain doesn't get any worse.



Anonymous said...

Hon, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you get well soon. *hugs*

Michelle M. said...

I hope it works itself out. Of not - head for the doctor so it doesn't get worse...