Friday, July 29, 2011

Get a roll with it, baby....

So today, I made it to work.  My back still was sore, but not as bad as the day before.  The nurses ruled out kidney issues, and said it was probably just a pulled muscle.  But I couldn't think of how I could have pulled it.  Then, later in the day it occured to that the 3 hours of bedtimesexxyfun with Kris on Monday was rather....vigorous.  And that may account for how I pulled the muscle.  Hey, at 21, he can handle that sorta stuff, and for longer periods than I can at 43!  But whatever the cause, I'm just glad that it seems to subsiding.

During work, I was talking to a co-worker about the Captain America moving and the upcoming Avengers movie and we got to talking about The Ultimates graphic novels (which is a reworking of the Avengers if they had formed in the early 21st century).  It's pretty awesome, but he never heard of it.  So after work, I thought I'd go by Borders and see if I could find a copy and get it for him.  Cause that's how I roll.

On the way in the door, I saw a notice that said, "New shipments from our warehouse everyday!"  On Monday, the Harry Potter shelf was clear, but I thought, if they're getting new books in, and now everything's minimum 20% off, I'd just check and see.  And lo and behold, they had TWO shelves of Harry Potter stuff!  And I managed to get books 4, 5 & 6!  Still missing 7, but that's okay, I'll pick that up when I'm ready to read it.  And they had a copy of the Ultimates like I wanted!  AND, I wandered around and ended up finding another $80 worth of books.  I KNOW!  But the upside was, on the bottom of the receipt, it said that I saved $32 and some cents!  So in that respect, it all worked out, right?

When I got home, there were some of the neighbor guys sitting out back and one of them had a conversation with me as follows:

Neighbor: Hey, man!
Polt: Hey.
N: Hey, you got any watermelon seeds in your house?
P: Watermelon seeds?
N: Yeah.  I can plant them for you and then we can eat them when they grow.  We went to Wal-Mart and they were all out!
P: Isn't a bit late to plant them now?
N: Nah, they'll grow, they'll grow!
P: Okay...well, I dont have any now, but I'll see what I can do.
N: Okay, man.  Great!

I should add he and I were both laughing throughout this whole conversation.  Later, I had to go to the grocery store to get a few things, and I walked right passed the watermelons...and picked one up.  I brought it home and took it over to him, telling him:

P: Hey, I know this isn't seeds, but at least you wont have to wait to eat it.
N: Yeah, but there's seeds inside man, there's some inside!  thanks man!  Seriously, thanks.

So, I dont know really why, or even if, he wanted a watermelon, but he's got one now.  And yeah, that's how I roll.

Since I didnt' sleep terribly well the last two nights, I'm rather tired tonight and will probably go to bed soon, as it looks like work is gonna be a bear tomorrow.  Ugh.  But anyway, here's a photo of the books I've gotten at Borders recently, minus the three graphic novels I got for myself and the one I got for my friend.



Anonymous said...

Your neighbor is a stoner. Only a stoner would be that focused.

Michelle M. said...

The watermelon story is hilarious. Even more so if you bought him a seedless watermelon : ).