Wednesday, November 09, 2011

It speeds along and drops a package...

Recently, I got two extra special packages! 
(And no, I don't mean a pair of Asian twinkie twins with hairthings!)

Monday, I recieved this in the mail:

It made me laugh, cause it's not even been a week since the new theme for the Monthly CD Exchange has been announced and I already got this.  For those of you who aren't part of the CD Exchange, there are currently about ten of us in it, and each month, one of us chooses a particular theme (dance songs, cover songs, songs by male artists, etc) and we each make a CD with songs fitting the theme and then mail it to whoever our random recipient is that month. It's a fun idea where we get tons of different tunes.

At any rate, I've got this running joke going that I always mail me CD off first, usually the first weekend of the month or so.  So my send this month had it done and to me before a week had passed.  Funny.  And the cover is great cause the theme this month is Names.  And my sender put a photo of Edina from Absolutely Fabulous, a show which I love, with a quote she said, "Names, darling, names names!"

Incidently, there's some pretty nifty music on it as well.

Also, today when I got home from work, I found this package at my door:

It's my new iPhone! YAY!  'Cept, I haven't opened it yet.  Cause I don't know anything about it.  And when we ordered it, Mr. A Local Celebrity, David ParisPeking instructed me that, "once it arrives, you're not gonna touch it until I'm here to get it set up right?"  To which I replied, "Right."

So it's still sitting in the box on my table.  And it'll remain there until ALCMDPP shows up to do...well whatever it is needs done to it.  But the most important thing is, it's here!  YAY!

UPDATE: Just got off the phone with ALCMDPP, he'll be here tomorrow night 7-ish, and if all goes well, a half hour later, I'll have amy first working iPhone.  Of course, since it's me, its much MORE likely that at 11:30, we'll still be on the phone with some tech guy trying to get it working properly.  But, fingers crossed!



If anyone's looking to get me two extra special packages (and yes, I do mean a pair of Asian twinkie twins with hairthings!), well here's a set that will doing nicely, methinks.

Just sayin....


Tam said...

Holy crap. I'm going to have to step up my game. I actually have about 30 songs on a list, I just have to decide which 20 or so I want and burn it. Maybe I can get it done at work tomorrow. I can listen to music while I work and then burn them.

Enjoy your new phone. I need a new phone but I'm debating getting the iphone or just another android.

john said...

I made a special effort to get it out before Polt this month! Someone had to take him down a peg or two...

Glad you like the music and good luck with the phone!

Michelle M. said...

john - I thought you didn't do covers. That one is abfab.

I don' think I could afford the shipping on those two.