Friday, November 25, 2011

So, how was my birthday?  Well thanks for asking.

I went to work.  Blah.  It wasn't a bad day, per se, and it wasn't a busy one, but it was one of those emotionally draining ones.  Work is sometimes like that.  Blah. 

After work, I drove to mom's where, according to her, Angel wanted to sing Happy Birthday to me.  Although she was more interested in chasing one of her toys that I'd throw than in doing any singing.  Mom and I then went to the Chambersburg Mall where I looked for a jacket, but didn't find one, and for shoes, which I did find in the second shoe store I looked in.  And then for my birthday dinner, we ate at Bonanza and gorged ourselves on it's buffet, and steak, shrimp, and salmon.  And then, feeling tired and full, we both returned to our respective homes. 

I putzed around online for a bit and then started watch the first Lord Of The Rings movie.  And before too much longer, I will retire to bed, since i have to get up for work tomorrow as well.

Ah, yes, do I know how to celebrate birthdays or what?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Working on your birthday stinks. Unless you get cake. You were brave, going to the stores on Black Friday.