Monday, November 07, 2011

Don't you think it's time to boycott hell...

Yesterday, as I do every Sunday during football season, I spent nearly the entire day watching football on network TV.  And yesteday, nearly a week before Veteran's Day, I saw two Christmas commercials.  And then this afternoon, I saw two more. 

And honestly, this pisses me the hell off.   Christmas adds around or slightly before Thanksgiving, okay, that I can handle.  But it's like a month and a half before Christmas, and we're getting ads for it already.  I have to ask, do we get commericials for Valentine's Day cards and candy six weeks before hand, like at New Year's Day?   Do we get commericals for fireworks and cookouts for July 4th before Memorial Day?  Do we get commericials for Halloween costumes and candy right after Labor Day?  Not that I'm aware of.  So why are we subjected to Christmas commericals this far ahead of time.

I've made a decision.  From now until a week before Thanksgiving (which is admittedly only a period of ten days) any company that has a Christmas commerical on TV is a company that I will NOT purchase anything from for the remainder of the year.  It will be a PoltBoycott!

Yeah, yeah I know, one person not buying something from a store isn't gonna make any difference, but I'm hoping someone reads this and decides its a good idea and starts a crusade, like Occupy Wall Street, and maybe in that manner, we can stop this insanity of Christmas ads until an appropriate time of the year!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I know it's crazy! Some fool in my neighborhood put up Christmas lights the day after Halloween. GROSS!