Sunday, November 06, 2011

That extra hour I've gotta make that extra dollar...

So as we all know, early Sunday morning, Daylight Savings Time ended.  That meant I had a whole extra hour to play with.  Saturday afternoon, I sat down and made a list of the things I could do during that free extra hour!

10. Balance my checkbook!

9. Get an even earlier start than usual on my Christmas Cards!

8. Clean the house.

7. Get some exercise, like go for a jog.

6. Arrange, and consumate, an online hookup.

5. Stalk Craiggers some more.

4. Continue to work on perfecting my new breed of rose, the Purple Polt Rose.

3. Read up on the quantum mechanics of actually going back on hour in time.

2. Go shopping for my lucky recipient in the Bloggy Gift Exchange.

1. Make a despoit at the local 24 hour sperm bank.

But in the end, all I did was sleep an extra hour.  Oh well, maybe I make use of that hour next autumn.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Ack! Holiday cards.

Cute post! I also used my hour to sleep. Oh well, I guess I'll cure cancer next year.