Thursday, November 10, 2011

You got me hanging on the phone...

Okay, so right after work, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking stopped by to...well basically do everything needed to be done to get my iPhone up and running.  And with very minimal problems, we (and by we, I mean, he) got it all done.  YAY!  And then he gave me a quick tutorial on the whole thing.

After he left, mom and I went to Wal-Mart to get a case for it (a purple case, natch!).  When I got home, I spent about an hour getting my contacts in.  But I did some serious editing of them  I mean, there were numbers in there that I have NO IDEA who they were.  Didn't know some of the names, dont recall ever knowing someone by that name.  But even though the number by now has to belong to someone else, I still had to put AJ's name and number in the phone.  Even though he's almost been dead 3 years, I just couldn't NOT put it in.  I'm such a ninny.

I got some apps loaded, ALCMDPP put Twitter and Facebook and such on for me.  I put the gay hookup sites on myself.  There's some things a man just has to do for himself, ya know?

Anyways, of course I got some pics:

iPhone still in the box.

ALCMDPP in the midst up updating/preparing/listening to me whine about how long its taking/readying the iPhone.

The iPhone's PURPLE case!

The first call I got was from ALCMDPP checking things, the first REAL call was from Mama Polt checking to see if the phone was usable yet.  The first text was a totally random one from Freddie, telling me he was wearing a purple sweater and he thought of me cause he never wears purple.   

And just a little bit ago, I called mom and asked her to call me back because I wanted to know how to...well answer the phone.  See the first time she called David was still here and I wasn't really paying attention.  I'm sure I'll have a lot more experimenting and stuff for the next couple days, just checking out what she can do.  (the iPhone, not Mama Polt)



Anonymous said...

So jealous here. I've still got the 3GS and am amazed by what the 4S has to offer. (I'm assuming that's what you've got.)

Have fun with Siri and that much-improved camera.

Michelle M. said...

Have fun with the new phone! Love the purple case.