Saturday, November 19, 2011

Snowflakes in the air Carols everywhere...

Yesterday, on the way home from work, I was flipping through the eight radio stations I have programmed in.  One of them was All Christmas Music, All The Time.  I literally screamed in my car as I was crossing the MD-PA state lines.  And then this morning, I heard on another station, two Christmas songs in a row, so I don't know if it's gone to the same format or if it was just my extreme misfortune to hear back-to-back Christmas songs.

Last year, I was ALL ABOUT the Christmas music.  I played it at work like all the time, and even quite a bit here at home.  And I hope  to be that way this year, it just makes me more cheery.  But for GOD'S SAKE, it's still a week before Thanksgiving and you've already gone to All Christmas Music, ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME??????? 

Thank God this isn't done for other holidays, cause really, five weeks of "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" for Easter, starting well before St. Patrick's Day, or five weeks of "The Monster Mash" starting in mis September would just drive us all nuts.

Blech.  I just hope this donsn't ruin Christmas for me. (not that it will of course, but what's wrong with a lil bit of overly melodramatic self pity when you're alone on a Saturday night?)



Anonymous said...

This is one of the first years where I note retailers are pushing the Christmas crap well before Thanksgiving.

Michelle M. said...

Boo. There is a time and place. Before Thanksgiving is not it.

Adam said...

Were there any DJ's? I remember that happened to a local NYC station a few years ago. It turned out that they had fired the entire staff and were just playing a bunch of Christmas music on repeat for the rest of the year until they changed the station format in the new year.