Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A week, a week is all it takes....

Saturday after work, I did some laundry and putzed around here.

Sunday, at 8 in the morning, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking and I left to do some shopping.  We went to Gettysburg, two malls in York and all the way to Lancaster PA.  And of course back, not arriving home until 6 pm.  Yes, 10 hours of shopping.  And ship we did.  He had so much stuff they almost didnt fit into the cab of his truck for the ride home.  And me, I spent over $250 on stuff.  Stuff for me, yeah, but a lot of stuff for other people too.  I'm almost done shopping as a result.  And it's not even December yet!

Then Sunday night, after watching some football and taking a short, but necessary nap, I picked up Kris and work and brought him back here.  We talked, surfed around online, and then went for some bedtimesexxyfun.  Only later did sleep come.

Monday, after showering and putzing around here, we ran some errands to the Post Office, the Credit Union, Wal-Mart and then to a pizza joint for lunch.  Returning back home, we hung out here, talked and had some more bedtimesexxyfun before Ghostie arrived.  Then we spent over an hour filming this year's Palace Christmas video. What fun that was!  And I treated them to dinner at Montezuma's before taking Kris back to his place.

This morning, I woke up with a migraine, and the least said about that the better.  The only good part is I wasn't puking with this one like I sometimes do.  So when I finally woke up and rolled out of bed in the later afternoon, the migraine was gone, replaced with just a dull headache.  That I can deal with, with the help of some Advil.

Tomorrow after work, Mom and I going to do a little more shopping, and dinner, in Hagestown.  Then Thursday after work, Kris and I are getting dinner, I'm taking him to my stylist for a haircut and then we're gonna see a movie.  And then some night this weekend, Mom's coming down to help me decorate for Christmas again this year.

All in all, a busy week!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

A really busy week. It must feel great to get all that shopping done. Glad you had time to squeeze in some fun ; ).