Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So after work today, I met mom and we did some Christmas shopping.  Other than three things, I'm totally done now.  After visiting four different stores, we went to Olive Garden to eat.  It was there mom revealed that apparently when she was putting her contact in this morning, she dropped one on the sink.  And then she believed she put it in backwards.  So she was having trouble reading the menu.  While she attempted to read it, I took a few photos of her.  Unbeknownst to her.  Well unbeknowst until the flash went off, cause then she knew.  But we were cracking up, me at the faces she was making, she at me laughing at her.   And these are the faces:

Then she started to root through and empty out her purse, looking for first a small magnifiying glass and then a small flashlight, neither of which she ended up having.

And then finally she figured out if she moved it over there against the wall, the light hit it the right way and she could finally read it.

What really bothered me about all this was she drove a half hour to where we were meeting from home, and then was driving us around between the stores...all with the one contact in backwards. 

Ah, well, it's ALWAYS an adventure with Mama Polt.



Tam said...

She's so cute. But yeah, not great driving with an inside out contact.

In the car the other day I mentioned something about cherry pie and the kid said "You know the best cherry pie I had? The one Chris' mom made." :-) We'll have to come to PA just for the pie.

Michelle M. said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know how she did it. It's torture to have a contact in inside out.

Mama Polt needs a blog!