Thursday, August 16, 2012

Call me in three months time, and I'll be fine (Part 21)...

Thursday Three

Once again, I'm not sure I can put much up here. The weather returned to normal August temps and not one-step-from-Hell temps like before, so that's a good thing.  I still have not gotten back into the diet and exercise routine, so thats bad.  I've been fighting a cold since the weekend, the cough, while not bad, wakes me up like every 20-half hour, so yeah that sucks.  I have had so little sleep the last few nights, I had to take today off work Wednesday, which was a good thing, since my voice kinda left me mid-afternoon.  I did meet someone last weekend, and we spent four out of five days hanging out (including bedtimesexxyfun) so that's a good thing, but I'm not sure where this is going, if anywhere, or even where I want it to go.  And I'm all kinds of ambivalent about that, and he's not in a really good place, both literally and figuratively.  And I'm totally overthinking things regarding him...and so all that's stressful.  So, yeah, with all of that, I don't really have too much to talk about here.

But of course, videos always lighten my week.  So let's check some out.

1) Cute and HOT!

2) Cute and Adorable!

3) and some culture.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Oh, and being sick when it's hot out is awful! I hope you're feeling better soon!