Thursday, August 02, 2012

It you're on my list, it's just a questions of when (Part 4)...

It's time once again for....

10 Questions!

This week with...truthspew!

I'm Truthspew - aka Tony. I write - it's more a rant space for me. It started back in 2006 when I started going to hearings on marriage equality and heard all the clerics and bigots try to say it wasn't natural. And it's also a place for me to call out idiot politicians. I love doing that. 

1. What allergies do you have?
Trees, grass, botanicals, and mold but not penicillin. I did have a serious reaction to bee and wasp stings at one point, but haven't been stung by one in a very long time so don't know if it still applies. And when I was a kid we didn't have that epi-pen, which meant you pretty much died. Luckily my symptoms weren't life threatening, only enough to make me miserable. 
2. Which foreign languages do you speak and which would you like to learn?
Spanish - badly. I can read it flawlessly though - the contextual clues are all there. And Italian too- more read than heard. I'd love to learn how to speak Italian since it is so close to Spanish. And I know enough of Italian that I know when someone is calling someone a crazy bitch. That's fun. Funny story behind that last statement: I'm at the local Italian food place and there's this really annoying woman customer. The woman behind the counter said, in Italian "I wish this crazy bitch would get out of here!" I started laughing and a little more food got into my container that wasn't weighed out. 
3. What is your favorite TV show that's no longer on the air?
I'm kind of miffed that Defying Gravity got cancelled. The premise was a little weak though. As to ones going off the air after this season, I will miss Weeds and Breaking Bad. Sensing a them here? A friend of mine likes to refer to the former as a big "fuck you" to suburbia.  I suppose I like seeing seemingly normal people turn into monsters. 
4. How much exercise do you get in an average week?
Not a hell of a lot. I walk maybe 15 miles a week which translates to something like 1.5 days of calories burned. 
5. Do you make your bed every time you get out of it?
Not always. I'm not a morning person. I'm pretty much on automatic pilot until about 9:15AM. 
6. David Beckham: hottie or not?
So not my cup of tea. Same applies with other alleged 'hotties' too. I have an unconventional view. 
7. What celebrity do you look like?
Celebrity? I don't really follow them all that much so I can't say who I look like. I'm kind of unique that way. Don't know of any celebrities that have Mediterranean features and hazel eyes. 
8. Root canal or just pull the tooth?
Root canal. If you use an endodontist (a word I had to my dictionary so Thunderbird didn't freak on it!) it's painless! Just get an endodontist that doesn't have a serious case of halitosis. And be prepared to pay a lot for it. 
9. Salt: a little, a lot, or no thank you, none at all?
Just a little - if you want more you can always add. However I do season pretty well so it's not necessary to add more. 
10. Which of the 10 Commandments have you NOT broken?
I actually had to go look them up because my first think through was that I haven't murdered anyone yet.  Everything else is fair game. Considering most of the Decalogue is simply ye old deity setting up respect for itself and you can see where I'm going here. 
And  a lot of it doesn't apply - I mean seriously, I'm a gay man. How the hell can I commit adultery by the definition? I can't. 
As to stealing - a little larceny - sure. Haven't we all? 

And now we all know truthspew a little better!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this.

As to the ten commandment, all the honor your clauses have indeed been broken.

Polt said...

Well thanks for playing along!