Monday, August 20, 2012

Catching up is hard to do....

Well hello there.  How have you all been?  I've not been posting much other than the daily stuff, but I've been a bit busy.  The guy I mentioned last week and I have still been hanging out quite a bit.  Perhaps a bit more than I'm comfortable with sometimes.  I'm not sure what we are, nor where we're going, and that's kinda added to a lot of stress and needless worry lately.  But it is what is, so what can I do.  Yesterday, Jason (that's his name) rode with me to the mechanic's to drop off Sebastian (my car) to get the oil changed today, and we walked back, taking 35 minutes and a stroll through the park in doing so.  Followed by bedtimesexxyfun and  talking later.  He makes me laugh.  He's incredibly hot.  And I have a good time with him.  That should be enough...but there's still a lot of drama...which I don't need or want.  Eh, whatever, I'll deal with it, day by day.

Today, mom and my 11 year old cousin Lexi and I went to play mini-golf.  I of COURSE used the purple ball.  Mom and I tied, with 61 each!   But it was fun.  And afterwards, we went to a buffet to eat a late lunch.  After stuffing myself freakin silly, I came home, read a bit and then took a nap (yeah, my life is pretty rough sometimes).  Then I realized my car was probably ready and decided to walk down to get it.

As I'm walking there, I can see these dark stormclouds working their way this way.  The walk only takes like 15 minutes, but nonetheless, I'm forced to run like two blocks cause the rain is starting.  And I do NOT run. Usually.  

So I get the car, get home, and realize as I'm walking to the house (in the rain) my keychain came apart before I picked it up and the house keys are IN the house.  But no fear, I just hop back in the car, drive to mom's and get the spare keys from her.  Then I drive home, run into the house (through even stronger rain) and get inside.  Quite an afternoon.

My whole sleep schedule has been off, due to the damn Olympics.  They kept me up until after 11, almost to midnight several nights in a row.  And I still haven't recovered.  I can't get to sleep at a decent hour, and I can't get up as easily in the morning as I had been before.  Course, to be fair, I WAS fighting a cold last week that kept me up night's coughing, so that affected it to.  But whatever.  I hope to get back into my usual sleeping rhythm soon.

And so yeah...that's what's been happening with me lately.  I hope you guys are all doing well!



Anonymous said...

You just need to be a little more like me, drama proof! You can have all the drama you want I just find it interesting and/or amusing.

So have fun while it lasts.

Michelle M. said...

Ick. Drama.

I'd rather be soaked to the bone than run.

Good luck with the sleep schedule. It's hard to get back on track once you get turned around.