Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Compare the best of their days with the worst...

So I'm perusing through Cub's Nest, for the articles only of course, and I come across THIS picture....

(link HERE)

And I think, "I KNOW those lips...I know that scraggley beard, I know that...oh my GOD, that's Kris!  On a gay porn site!"  But then I'm thinking, nah, it couldn't be him.  So I went to my supply of Kris photos and compared.  And yes indeedy, to MY eyes, it looked the same.  See what you think!

So I contacted Kris, sent him the link and all and asked if it was him.  He said he thought it might be, he's trying to figure out the shirt in the pic.  I told him I didn't recall him ever having a moustache like that, peach-fuzzy though it may be.  He said he did have one like that when he was in Vienna Va for a while (early 2011).  Then he messages back that yes, he remembers that shirt AND that photo, and yes it IS actually him!

I suppose Kris posted the pic somewhere, like on Facebook, and someone else got it and, well, there it is.  He says he never sent it, or any other photos, out to any sites or anything.  But as they say, once on the Internet, it NEVER goes away.

But the important thing to take away from all this, other than a few laughs is this: I, Polt, have had sex, multiple times, with someone that's appeared on a gay porn blog!  



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