Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 266)...

Chapter 9, Page 22...

Tuesday I got to work without too much trouble.  I had the normal paperwork to get through, and I did.  The day itself was just rather blah.

When I got home, I immediately took a walk, to the Post Office, to CVS for a few things and then back home.  It was about a half hour, a nice walk on a beautiful day.  I got home, watched some Doctor Who, ate a ham steak and salad for supper, was on the computer and then went up to bed.

I read some and then, as a notice popped up on my phone, I updated it to iOS9.  And that took forEVER!  Like over half and hour. I was convinced, since the little white line wasn't moving for so long, that everything was screwed up and thought my phone was done.  I put it aside, when to the bathroom and when I returned, everything was fine.  Typical of me to panic so early.

After that, I read some and then went to sleep.


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