Tuesday, October 12, 2010

All good things...

So, no 12 for the 12th this month? Why you ask. I'll tell ya.

After work, i went to Kris' to pick him up. He was uncharacteristically subdued. He has had two roommates, and recently they were talking about how much of a moneysuck the apartment is. Well, last night, his roommate showed up with his brother, packed his stuff up and said he's moving back to his mom's.

Not only does that leave Kris with one roommate short, but it was Tony, his close friend of 8 years. And without Tony, his other roommate and Kris pretty much decided they were going to vacate the apartment as well and Kris would find someone to talk over the lease. So not only did Kris "lose" his close friend, but he's gonna "lose" the apartment as well.

And then comes the inevitable question: Where is Kris gonna live? Well, he plans on moving back in with his parents as well. In Winchester Virginia. About an hour from my house.

Yeah, so you can see why perhaps the 12 for the 12th hasn't really been a high priority for me this month.

What does this mean for us? I honestly don't know. When we got here, we talked, and hugged and talked, and cuddled, and talked. And I may or may not haave teared up a bit. But after a bit of this, and me realizing that is was in fact NOT all about me, and realizing I needed to be there for him instead of him trying to comfort me (which was typically Kris), we both decided to try a bit of the betimesexxyfun. And it was good. Great in fact. And while that didn't solve the problems, it at least made us forget it for a while.

After the bedtimesexxyfun, we went to eat at Montezuma's, and then my Glee-Date Laura came by and we all watched this week's episode of Glee. And now, I'm typing this. (So with all that I described, if you can just picture each scene in your mind, then that's probably gonna give you 12 mental images. Use those for the 12 of the 12th.)

At any rate, yeah, I don't know.....don't know what's gonna happen. Or what the outcome's gonna be. What I DO know, and I know this absolutely and for sure, is that I love Kris. I've felt a connection with him from the very beginning. And that's not gonna change anytime soon, if indeed it ever does.

But dammit, I really really thought we'd have more time.

Now excuse while I go kiss my man, while I still can.



Tam said...

He's only an hour. Can he afford a car if he moves home since he should have much less rent? Here that's living in the opposite end of the same city. I don't think it's undoable. See how it goes, you might find he's able to move back closer in a bit, but I don't think an hour is insurmountable, although to be honest when I read Virginia I was thinking "faaaaar", but I forget you are right in the hub there.

Mojo to you both. It's hard when things are just looking up and I'm so happy you found someone, but don't give up on something special yet. It might be worth some inconvenience for a while until you decide what your next move is. Hugs.

Polt said...

Yeah, Tam, that's kinda what Kris and i both said. Although it tough. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. But thanks for the encouragement.


Michelle M. said...

Oh - poor Kris. That sucks. But an hour isn't too horrible. And who knows, maybe he'll find a place closer to you when he's ready to move out again...

tornwordo said...

Why can't he stay with you for a while? See where it goes....

hoteltuesday said...

I know this is resolved already, but an hour isn't far!! I visit someone often who is 50 mins away! Ack. But it's worth it.

Polt said...

I know an hour's 'not far', Enrico, but it's all the additional complications that would have resulted. Complications that I'm going into, cause now they're all moot. :)