Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wakes up shaking with half a tooth missing...

I know I've been kinda...absent here lately. If I hadn't done all the daily photo thingees last Sunday and set them to post automatically, I might not have had anything this week.

Last night, Kris stayed over. We watched an episode of The Kids In The Hall, which we both laughed at. Then we went to Hoss's to eat and to Wal-Mart for a few things. We came home, watched "The Incredibles", both of us for the umpteenth time, and we ended up watching Saturday Night Live. Then we went to bed for some bedtimesexxyfun, not getting to sleep until about 2am.

And then Friday, we got slammed at work right before my shift was to end, so I stayed 2.5 hours later to get some of them taken care of, and, of course, for the overtime. But when I got home, I did little more than eat and try to relax and come down from the adernaline high.

And through all this, through this entire week, has been the stress bubbling under the surface: my tooth extraction on Monday. I am SO unbelievably stressed over this. I've givne myself and ulcer on the inside of my lip. My stomach as been a bit rumbley all week. I've had headaches. And now tonight, the back of my neck is achey and tight (although to by honest, that may be a side effect of the bedtimesexxyfun).

I know my mouth will be numb. I know I won't feel any pain. I know the percocets I have will handle any pain afterwards. I know once the tooth is gone, I won't have these periodic toothaches that are, short of a migraine, one of the worst pains I've ever felt. I KNOW all these things in my head. And yet, it doesn't help.

I'm still convinced the tooth is gonna break off and he's gonna have to go digging the roots out. And even if I won't feel any pain, I'm still gonna feel the pressure and the digging and shit like that. And that makes me almost physically nauseous.

*SIGH* Well, all I can do is just countdown to the appointment (which is now roughly 14 hours and 15 minutes away).

And pray. A LOT!


1 comment:

Tam said...

Hang in there. Hopefully it will be better than you fear although I haven't had an extraction myself so I can't speak for how it feels. Anyway, I'll think of you tomorrow morning when it's happening and send good vibes.