Monday, October 18, 2010

You don't even know you lost me...

Sooooo, let me see if I get this straight. A federal judge in California issues an order to the Pentagon to stop enforcing Dont Ask, Dont Tell. The Pentagon says it will honor that order (which is pretty magnanimous of them, considering a federal judge's ruling IS the law after all). But the Obama Administration says they will (or they are currently) ask the judge to stay the decision while they appeal it.

Appreal it? If they do nothing, DADT withers and dies. The only thing that keeps that going is an appeal from the Obama Administration. Led by President Obama, who said during the campaign that he would be a "fierce advocate" for gay rights.

So, this may be the final straw for me. Firstly, he doesn't lead the health care reform bill through Congress, he waters it down until it's almost a 'gimme' to the insurance conglomerates, and allows it to take over a year to get done. Then, he doesn't end enforcement of DADT, instead allowing a judge to make the ruling. Which he's gonna appeal anyway. And THEN, he caves so often to the Republicans over so many issues in an effort to get some of their votes when it was clear from the outset that the only thing the Republicans had in mind was saying no to any and everything he and the Dems proposed and that not a single one of the Repbulicans had any intention of voting for any Obama initiaive. It's all about party, not country, for Congressional Republicans. And how I can now that and yet he doesn't never fails to amaze me. And now, THIS! Appealing the decision.

Well, no I lied above. This IS the final straw for me.

In November of 2012, I probably have to vote again for Obama, cause it's extrememly unlikely that I could vote for anyone the Republicans would put up. However, things will be different than in 2008.

In that year, I contributed, over the course the election, a grand total or $1000 to his campaign. I spoke out on many occasions, to friends, family and coworkers, explaining why they should vote for him. And I debated issue after issue with people opposed to him as to why they were wrong. I made numerous posts on the Palace in support of him. I purchased signs that I put up in my apartment, and buttons.

But in 2012, other than my vote (possibly), Obama gets nothing from me. No money, no time, no effort. He had both houses of Congress, and while he did get some things done, in my opinion, he squandered too much of what he had.

Again, I'll say, he's better than the alternative at the time. And he's done some good things: the $8000 home buyers credit that allowed me to sit in my own house and type this instead of an apartment; taking the banks out of the student loan process; preventing the economy from spiralling into a Depression (although the stimulus wasn't big enough to turn the economy around); and passing the health insurance reform, even if it was watered down tremendously and didn't go anywhere NEAR far enough.

But on the issue of gay rights, an issue near and dear to my heart, I feel taken for granted. And I'm not going to support someone who hasn't earned my support. Yes, yes, I know, in the end, I'll still have to vote for him. But I don't have to help him get other's votes.

Unless he maks some drastic changes in the way he operates, and in the field of gay rights, he's gonna win or lose in 2012 with no help from me whatsoever.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were more generous than me. I only put $400 into the campaign. It was my very first time of donating any money to any politician and likely be my LAST!

Actually that last part may be inaccurate since I do plan to donate to settle some old scores.