Saturday, October 09, 2010

What a day, a day....

At work today, the computer was all fucked up and it simply wouldn't allow me to log on. So I had no computer all day. I could still do the work I needed to do, just on paper alone. It wasn't until the end of the day that I discovered I could get access through a coworker's computer, so I at least got to put the information in instead of having to wait until Tuesday to do it.

Then, Kris and I had another miscommunication. I had left him a Facebook message telling him I might have to work overtime, but no later than two hours. He thought I had said I WOULD be working over. So he and I friend went to Borders, which of course I didn't know until later. And when I went to his apartment after work, no one was there. I even went to a nearby used bookstore and bought a few things and when I went back, there was STILL no one there.

I went to a grocery store and got a few things (including a salad from the salad bar for lunch). When I got home, I left Kris a message on Facebook to call me. I was kinda worried and kinda pissed at the same time. But when I got his call and got the explanation, I was relieved. We decided we just get together tomorrow afternoon and he could spent the night then instead of tonight.

Which is probably a good thing, cause after the day I've had, I think I just want to go to bed relatively early, read some and get a good night's sleep.

On the upside, I got a special package in the mail: my CD Exchange CD 5.0. And I LOVE it. Most every song on there is awesome, many I don't already have. Yay! I've been listening to it all evening.



Tam said...

Wow, I'm not sure I could do anything at work without access to my computer. Sometimes our internet goes down and I can't even make a damn phone call because all of our directories are on-line. LOL Hopefully it's fixed by Tuesday.

Sorry about the miscommunication, but have a fun day today. I MUST burn my CD this morning.

Michelle M. said...

I'm still a few songs shy in completing my CD.

Glad you straightened out stuff with Kris. Seems like you have been having more miscommunications than an episode of Three's Company : ).