Thursday, April 21, 2011

I took his arm and kissed his lips....

Thanks to Tam and the CD she sent me in the Bloggy CD exchange, THIS song is now my current favorite song:

The song was released in 1977.  How did I never hear this song before now?  I had never even heard OF this song!  I'm disappointed in myself, but also quite surprised and happy that I NOW know it, have it, and enjoy it!

Ohohohoh....he gives me head!



john said...

I recognized the beat right away as Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand. The lyrics are completely different, but the tune is the same.

Tam said...

Glad you liked it. It makes you bob your head. *eyebrow waggle* I was going to give you This one. I have to give my friend Chris in Minneapolis credit for hooking me up with both songs.

Michelle M. said...

Very catchy. I don't remember this song either.

Good job Tam!