Thursday, April 21, 2011

The past is alive.....

Freddie and I broke up in late 2007 (And if you don't know who I'm talking about, check the labels section in the sidebar, he has his own label).  Since then, we've chatted once on Yahoo (which was a strange little chat) and a short text conversation one Friday night at like 1:00am (when he was drunk in a gay bar in Philly watching a drag queen from Toronto and wanting to know if I knew her).  Other than that, I've heard nothing from Freddie.

Until about three weeks ago.  He sent me a Friend request on Facebook.  Okay, I thought, it's been two and a half years, why not?  What can it possibly hurt?  So I friended him.

Then I saw his updates about going to the Baltimore/DC area and visiting various zoos around there (he was a zoo science major in college, so that's no surprise).  About two weeks ago, I got a text from him asking if I wanted to get together in DC somewhere for lunch on Monday and catch up.  And while the idea sounded fun, it also sounded a bit...strange.  I mean, why all the sudden interest in talking and catching up when there's been virtually no contact in years?  But regardless, I already had plans for Monday so I couldn't go and told him.

Last Saturday, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking and I went to Applebees to eat after work.  And while there, I got a phone call from Freddie.  He just wanted to talk and catch up.  But of course I was eating so I couldn't.  But later that night, I did call him back.

He was dog sitting for his cousin.  And we talked, probably 45 minutes.  I had thought it might be awkward, but it wasn't in any way awkward.  It was a relaxed, free-flowing, easy going conversation.  Just like it was when we were together and talking on the phone every night.  And then his cousin came back, so he had to go.  But he called me as he was driving home and we spoke for perhaps another 15 minutes. 

It really surprised me how well the conversation went.  I mean, it's not like Freddie and I parted on bad terms, becuase we didn't.  Honestly, our relationship was dead well before we officially ended it.  But still, after all those years, I didn't really think he ever even gave me a thought.  And I certainly ddin't think he was interested in talking again. 

But I'm pleased to say I was wrong.  And I'm glad he and I talked.  And we said we'd talk more later.  And hopefully, we will.


1 comment:

Tam said...

It's nice you can still be friendly even if you're not friends really. Life is too short to hold on to negative feelings, but I can imagine it felt a bit "weird" at first. Have a great