Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stormclouds on the horizon....

I've never been much of a fan of Thor. 

I enjoyed The Avengers comics (before Marvel became little more than a company that should be titled Wolverine Comics....and a few other insignificant guys in spandex), and have quite a run of them.  However, I never much enjoyed Thor being in the membership.  I mean, the guy's a s god, for...well, for God's sake.  How do you defeat a god?  Captain America, a bullet; Iron Man, an electromagnetic pulse; Yellowjacket and the Wasp, bug spray; Scarlet Witch, a gag.  But Thor?  A god?  Nope, never liked him in The Avengers.

Because of my dislike of the character, I wasn't sure I was going to see the movie this year.  Despite it having Natalie Portman, Craig's Wife in it.  Despite the fact it looks well done.  And really, can anything with Anthony Hopkins in it be ALL bad?  And they're gonna make an Avengers movie soon, which I will NOT miss, so I i should probably get around to seeing all the prequels, just so I know what's going on, but I wouldn't be enthusiastic about seeing Thor.

But then I saw something that convinced me that I HAD to see this movie.  That I could, in fact, NOT miss it!  And here it is:

A muscled hottie, shirtless, with a hairthing.  Check, I'm there.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Well, it's not Wonder Woman - but I'll enjoy the scenery anyway.