Friday, April 29, 2011

Grease is the word....

No, sleeping was no better last night.  I woke up several times throughout the night, mostly from coughing. And swallowing.  My throat was so sore.  So finally, about 4AM, I got a drink of water, took two Advil and found some cough syrup in the bathroom medicine cabinet.  And I didn't even care the cough syrup expired in Oct. 2009, I took some anyway.  Yeah, I'm a rebel like that.

It soothed my throat and helped me swallow and I slept rather well from then on until the alarm went off.  But that doens't mean I'm not tired now.  *SIGH*  And I'm still sounding like a white James Earl Jones when I talk.  A white James Earl Jones with a sore throat.

Assuming I get through today, tonight is a local high school production of Grease.  I'll be seeing it with some friends including my buddy Michelle.  And afterwards, she and I will have our traditional post-theater food extravaganza at the local Waffle House.  Yeah, we is all kinda cultured.



Tam said...

Sorry you feel oogey. Hope it gets better and you have fun at the play tonight.

Michelle M. said...

Maybe the expired cough syrup is how you'll get your super powers...

Feel better!