Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Call me in three months time and I'll be fine (Part 7)...


What three things made my week special?  Let's see.

1) The Avengers Movie.

Simply the Best.  Comic-Book.  Movie.  EVAH!  Nuff said.


Through, it was simply a breeze to local an inexpensive, decent hotel in the area of Virginia where Kris is living.  And it had to be inexpensive, since I'll be spending all weekend there.  And it had to be decent, cause Kris and I certainly won't be while I'm there.

3) President 'evolves' on same-sex marriage

Just today, in an interview, President Obama said he supports same-sex marriage now.  Glad to have him on our side, but really, what took him so long?  I mean, by staying against same-sex marriage, he wasn't going to win any voters over to his side that wouldn't already be there.  But you can be sure there were some voters who would have voted for him, but wouldn't have if he DIDN'T come out in support of it.  And I'm not sure why he and his political advisers couldn't see that.  But up and beyond politics, I fail to understand how a man who came from multi-racial parents, who 40 years ago, were not allowed to be married in several states, could not be for allowing anyone in love to be married.  And beyond all that, there's the equality, the fairness, the simple decency of allowing people who are in love to be married to the one they love.

But as I said, better late than never.

So what  made your week special?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I'll see the movie when it comes out on video. We never go to the theater anymore.
Yay President O.
Have fun with Kris (I know you will).