Monday, May 07, 2012

Now, right now, not later, no, but now, right now...

After having seen The Avengers again last night (just 48 hours, roughly, since seeing it the first time) with Corey, his dad and his girlfriend, I can say that, even upon a second viewing, it is still the BEST.  COMIC-BOOK.  MOVIE.  EVAH!  Seriously.  In fact, I could probably be persuaded to see it a third time, after several days pass.  It is inDEED that good.  It is how every comic book movie should be made. If you have any interest in seeing this movie, get out there and see it now.  And if you have no interest in seeing it...what the hell is wrong with you???  

Go see it.  NOW!

And I found a much better photo to post of them.  Enjoy.



jeliot said...

I LOVED it!!! IT was soooo good! Everyone got their moment and the cast was fantastic together. I really thought it was paced well, had a nice amount of comedy and great action sequences. The fight between the Hulk and Thor was so fucking awesome!

My only criticism, which is very minor, is that Hawkeye didn't get much explanation.

Polt said...

I found the Thor Iron Man fight gratuitous, but that's a minor complaint. And I suppose, with six main characters, one had to suffer a bit in origin.