Sunday, May 06, 2012

Karma in itself avenges us, Feel me...

So you may have heard (especially if you follow me on Twitter) that I went to see The Avengers on Friday night.  It was, in just a few words, the Best. Comic-Book.  Movie.  EVAH!

I'm made that claim before.  When X2 first came out, I proclaimed it the best comic book movie ever.  And it was.  But then the first Iron Man movie came out, and IT was the best comic book movie ever.  And the second Batman movie, with Heath Ledger as the Joker, was pretty damn spiffy too.

But the Avengers, this movie surpasses them all.

After seeing it with him, I quoted A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking as saying "It was over the top, but it should have been.  I enjoyed it."

He's right, it was over the top.  But considering all that was going on it, it should have been.  There was TONS of action.  A workable plot (even apparently to those how have not seen many of the films leading up to this one).  Each character was written sensibly and with a different voice.  Each character, even the two that didn't get thier own movie, AND Director Fury as well, got spotlighted and thier own batch of action.  The humor, while somewhat corny, was indeed funny and not in your face or out of character.  And even the Hulk, who was obviously animated, didn't look obviously so.

My only complaints were minor.  I thought there was few un-Hulk-like things the Hulk did, but I could overlook those.  Also, the obligatory "I will fight you because I don't know you until someone points out we're both on the same side" fight scene between Thor and Iron Man was pretty hokey.  But it IS kinda the way things work in Marvel comics, so I was able to only roll my eyes at it a bit and not allow it to ruin the whole movie.

It kinda disappoints me to say this, my when it comes to movies, Marvel is kicking DC's ass.  And this is coming from a die-hard DC comics fan of some 35 years or so.  But really, when a movie is this well done, I don't care which company is doing it.

Hopefully, the streak of awesomeness will continue with the Spider-Man and Batman movies coming later this summer.  But this one's gonna be REAL tough to beat.



Tam said...

The only pre-movie I saw was the original IronMan. I was fine without it I think. I wasn't quite sure what ScarJo's role was except to look pretty with pouty lips. She really didn't serve any purpose that anyone else couldn't have done. I knew who she was supposed to be (thanks to your tweet the other day) but she had no special powers beyond being some anonymous secret agent chick which are a dime a dozen in the movies.

The special effects were really good and it certainly wasn't boring. I didn't find it overly funny, there were some cute moments that made me smile, but a couple of chicks behind us thought it was HI-LARIOUS. When there was he final scene of them fighting in the forest, they were just cracking up. Umm. It wasn't that funny.

My other complaint was the whole nuke up the hole thing (mind out of the gutter people), that was so Independence Day.

Michelle M. said...

I think it's funny (and sad?) that all the tie in toys feature everyone but the black widow. I guess kids don't like playing with push up bras.