Thursday, May 24, 2012

Call me in three months time, and I'll be fine (Part 9)...

Thursday Three

What happened this week to make my life funner?  Let's see.

1) Fully updating iTunes.

After about a month, I finally got ALL my CD's onto my iTunes.  It was 7442 songs.  Yeah, guess that explains why it took so long, eh?  Don't know how many different CD's I put on there, but the above photo is of ALL those CD's stacked on a dresser in my attic.  That'll give you an idea.

2) The front garden.

On Monday, mom and I finally got the petunias planted in the front garden.  yeah, in the above photo, they don't look like much, but I'll be taking periodically photos of them, and posting them here.  And you'll see how much and quickly they grow!  I really enjoy having those planted and growing.  They make the house more...homey.

3) Getting the dryer moved.

After living in the house for almost three years, mom and I FINALLY got the dryer moved next to the washer where I've always wanted it.  And it didn't take long to do it.  And there were no major messups (like usually happen when we try to do something).  So it's all good.  And now, I don't have to lug my wet clothes from the washer to the dryer.

What made you're week great?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

That's a lot of CDs! Hmmm. What made my week great? Nothing yet. But I'll gladly take that over having something terrible happen!