Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prometheus, your windows closes, I am crucified...

You've seen the trailer for "Prometheus", right?  The movie that everybody is raving about being anxious to see?  Well I don't think I'll be seeing it, at least not in the theater.  I mean, I'm not totally sure what's going on in the movie, but I DO know that music just freaks me the fuck out!  Here, have a listen! (it really kicks in at like 1:43 or so, I think)

*SHUDDER*  And if the music's enough to do that to me, I can't IMAGINE what the movie itself will do!  No, I think this is one I'll watch on Netflix.  From the safety of my own home.  On a Sunday afternoon when there's plenty of light.


1 comment:

truthspew said...

Ooooh, I like! Alien on steroids!

You want creepy music I give you the following:

1) The Exorcist

2) The Omen (All of them!)

I have a friend who will not watch The Exorcist. Me, I love the part where little Regan pulls mommy to her crotch and says "Lick Me!" and then when Regan levitates from the bed I holler. Love it!