Thursday, May 31, 2012

Call me in three months time, and I'll be fine (Part 10)...

Thursday Three

Let's take a look at what made my week these past 7 days.

1) Resuming my walks.

I'm still not walking like I was before going to Richmond, but this past week I did take 3 walks, and in the two weeks prior to that I think I only took two, so it's a big improvement.  And I actually do enjoy it when I'm out walking.  I just have to remember sunscreen, since I got a bit red from my walk on Monday.

2) Gas getting below $3.50.

Not sure how bad it is where you are, but gas finally got back down.  And since I took this picture, it's fallen again to $3.45.  Still not the 89 cents a gallon I remember it being when I delivered pizza in 1988, but hey, it's better then $3.99, no?

3) Getting the air conditioner in.

I've had the one in the bedroom for a few weeks, I can NOT sleep when it's hot/humid.  But downstairs, with the ceiling fans, I've been doing fine.  Until this past weekend, when the humidity hit and hit hard.  So I got it in the window Monday, and I've used it twice so far.  HATE humidity, blech!

So, what made you life better these past seven days?



Anonymous said...

I just traveled to North Carolina from Rhode Island. Gas was $3.57 in RI, $4.08 in Connecticut, $3.83 in New Jersey.

So they haven't fallen EVERYWHERE yet.

Michelle M. said...

Hmmm... Well, we had a TON of yardwork done (trees and shrubs cleared) so that was great.

Good for you for the walking! Today I took the stairs instead of the elevator. It was only to the second floor, but it counts!