Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Country Grammar done spent seven million...

I'm not a grammar nazi, honestly I'm not, but I've read a two things recently that just bug the shit outta me!  I also am not an English major, so these two things may in fact BE grammatically correct, but I don't think that's the case.  And if they ARE grammatically correct, well then, I guess I apologize.

The first thing is the following phrase "should of" or "could of" or "would of".  I've seen it written as follows: "I should of turned the other way." or "I could of won if I ran harder." or "I would of done it if they hadn't cheated."

REALLY?  Don't they mean to say should HAVE or would HAVE or could HAVE?  I think what happens is when those words are abbreviated to should've, could've and would've, when they're pronounced it sounds like  should of, could of and would of.  but that's simply wrong.  And I've read that written that way online by professional writers, people that should know better.

The second one that bugs me the following: I'm going to try and do something, like, "I'm going to try and win." or "I'm going to try and beat him."  or "We're going to try and kill him."

REALLY?  So you're going to TRY to win, AND you're going to win as well?  You're going to TRY to beat him AND you're going to beat him?  You're going to try to kill him AND you're going to kill him?  Gee, redundant much?  Shouldn't these phrases be "I'm going to try to win" and "I'm going to try to beat him." and "We're going to try to kill him."?  Isn't that what everyone is actually saying, that they're going to TRY to do it, not that they're going to TRY to do and AND that they'll do it?  And one I've read in a book and online, both by professional writers who should have known better.

Okay, grammar nazi rant finished.  We now return you to our regularly scheduled blogpost.


1 comment:

Tam said...

Perhaps the first one can be blamed on the focus in elementary school of phonetic spelling. Kids don't haven't memorize words, just spell it how it sounds. (Until they get to high school and are screwed.)