Thursday, March 28, 2013


Tonight, I had to go to the Post Office.  Why you ask?  Look here:

I had a Netflix DVD to return, two birthday cards to mail, my 1st Quarter 2013 local taxes to pay, my $16 payment due for local 2012 taxes and five bills.  Sheesh!
Probably ten years ago or more, my grandmother gave me a few candles she had no intention of using.  One of them was a foot tall.  I've been burning it on and off since last summer.  The melted wax has been making some pretty unique shapes as it melts, see:

Almost like I'm making art right here in my dining room.
A few weeks ago, I saw the best movie I have seen so far this year: C.R.A.Z.Y. (IMDB review here)

It's a movie made in Quebec, it's in French with English subtitles.  It takes place in a Quebec city from the 60's through the early 80s.  It's main character is the fourth of five brothers and his growing up and coming to terms with being gay.  But it's also about the father of these five disparate boys and how he deals with each of them.

The movie was amazing.  It seemed totally true to life, and nothing was forced or cheesy.  The look of the movie, the fashions, cars, and music of the times play a very important part.  It's very well written and acted. And it's not at all what you would expect, I think.  Give it a shot, if you want, it's on Netflix, that's where I got it.  Although I'm looking to buy it to have all for my own, that's how much I loved it.
When Louis and I were up at High Rock last Sunday, not only did we enjoy the breath-taking views, but we saw this scene:

Yes, that's a hang-glider.  People DO hang glide off of High Rock, even though they're not supposed to.  And apparently, whoever was in this one jumped off and the wind blew him right back into the trees where it got stuck.  The thing you may NOT be able to see is that the glider is in the treetops...about sixty feet off the ground.  And at least a good thirty feet away from the top of the cliff where we're standing.  Other than unstrapped himself and climbing down the tree, I dont see how the guy got down.  Gives me and my fear of heights the willies just thinking about it.  Well, hang-gliding does that too, but still...
Seriously, I DETEST people who do this.

Like YOUR vehicle is SO much more important then everyone's else that you have to not only park a mile away from everyone else, but take up four parking space just so no one else can get close.

Seriously, when I see stuff like this I just want to walk in a circle around, dragging my keys along the sides in a wavy pattern.  Asshole.
Mom got a total of 64 cards.  I did threaten to go buy her an additional 6 cards just so she could have 70, but she told me she wouldn't accept them if I wasted my money on that.  Also, she called me this week to tell me that the Sunday after Easter, she and Polly were going to see an organ recital in the afternoon, and that I was NOT to plan a 70th birthday party for her again.  (If you don't know what I'm talking about or why this is funny click HERE )
SO the 2013 Capitol Pride Parade is coming up in early June.  And already we've got the same great lineup as last year: Paul, his insanely cute boyfriend Travis, StratCat, CC, and CC's cute gay son Josh!  Oh and of course, me.  Whooo-Hooo!

If you live nearby and want to go along, let me know!  The more the merrier!
This simply HAS to be photoshopped!

Even for Wal-Mart, that's just....just insane.
And of course, this being a Bits-N-Pieces post, here is The Obligatory Bit-N-Pieces Eye Candy!

Yippie-ki-ya, cowpoke.


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